Formularz rejestracyjny / Registration form

Zapraszamy do wypełnienia formularza on-line

Please register on-line

Formularz rejestracyjny online

Imię (imiona) / First name
Nazwisko / Last name
ulica / street
miasto / city
kod / ZIP
country / kraj
ulica i nr / street and no
miasto / city
kod / ZIP code
country / kraj
Faktura będzie wysłana miesiąc przed konferencją / An invoice will be send a month before the conference
Please mark the options below that apply to you:
I was offered to chair the session or participate in a discussion panel
I intend to deliver a conference paper without commercial content
I intend to deliver a conference paper with commercial content
I was offered a special discount
I am TEW or TRMEW member
I am a student
I intend to join the Conference online (availability of options depends on the number of requests)
I intend to take part in the Conference Dinner on 16.10.2024
I will attend in TEW reception 15.10.2024 (additional fee)
I intend to invite an accompanying person (additional lunches and dinners)
I intend to take part in the study tour to Świnna Poręba HPP 18.10.2024
I’m interested in subscription to the electronic version of “Energetyka Wodna” quarterly
od - do / from - to
od - do / from - to
Np. imię i nazwisko / e.g. name
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