

Detailed programme - see dokument: Bulletin no 2

16 October 2024: Day I

8:00 Registration of delegates

9:00 Opening Session, welcome

9:30  Session I:  Water management and small hydro-innovations and legal-economic constraints

12:30 Session II: HYDROFORUM Debate “The duties of subjects using civil engineering infrastructure of multipurpose water barrages "

14:00 Lunch break

15:00 Session III:     Power grid elasticity and hybridization of hydropower plants

17:30 Session IV: HYDROFORUM Debate " Technical opportunities for hydropower contribution to the energy transformation by rising the regulatory potential of hydropower installations"

19:00 Closing of the first day of Conference

20:00 Conference Dinner


17 October 2024: Day II

8:00  Opening of the debate and Organising Committee’s communications

8:05 Session V:  Workshop "Pumped Storage Technology - The Renewable Battery"

10:30 Sesion VI:   Pumped storage hydropower projects

12:00 Session VII:    Life NEXUS: hydraulic energy recovery and fittings

13:20 Lunch break

14: 20 Session VIII: Research & development works I

16:50 Session IX:  Good practices and research & development works II

19:00 Closing of the Conference



18 October 2024: Study Tour

08:10 Departure from the hotel

09:00 Kraków-Płaszów WWTP

12:00 Lunch and visit to Kalwaria Zebrzydowska for those inerrested

14:00 Swinna Poręba Dam and Hydropower Plant

16:00 Study tour end (bus departure to Cracow)




CONFERENCE PROGRAMME  HF 2023                    October 25th, 2023


Welcome addresses and opening of the Conference


Opening Session

Session is chaired by: Janusz Steller (IMP PAN/TEW), Chairman of the Conference Organising Committee



J. Steller (IMP PAN/TEW): Welcome address by the Conference Organising Committee


J. Steller (IMP PAN/TEW): 50 years of HYDROFORUM (PL)


P. Szulc (WME PWr): Faculty bof Mechanical and Power Engineering
of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology – Faculty presentation and welcome address


W. Jędral (PW): Professor Stanisław Jan Zwierzchowski –Zowski
- the forerunner of modern water turbine designs (PL)


Welcome addresses by members of the Honorary Committee


M.Lackowski (IMP PAN): Opening of the Conference


Coffee break


Session I:      Hydropower potential and multipurpose projects

Session is chaired by: Prof. Michał Habel (Casimir Magnus University, Bydgoszcz)



B. Wszołek, B. Głuchowska (RZGW Wrocław): Hydropower plants
operated by the  PGW Wody Polskie Regional Water Management Authority in Wroclaw



K. Woś, Ł. Pieron, K. Wrzosek (PGW Wody Polskie):
Multipurpose infrastructure at the Oder Navigation Waterway (PL)



S. Suk, I. Landau (S.Symovyan, Ukrhydroproject): Navigation and infrastructure project
connecting the Baltic and Black Seas.
Overview and perspectives



M. Levitskyi, V. Kraynyk (Ukrhydroprojekt): Reconstruction of the Kakhovka HPP on the Dnipro River as a strategic step  towards energy security of Ukraine. Current challenges and solutions)



O.Obodovskyi, O. Pochayevets, O. Lukyanets, V. Grebin (UTS), M. Habel (UKW):
Assessment of hydropower potential of rivers within the territory of Ukraine (PL)



Coffee break


Session II:    Pumped-storage hydropower

Session is chaired by Janusz Łobacz (EW Żarnowiec)



M. Kubecki (IOZE/TRMEW): Pumped storage development
- a survey of current status in Poland and worldwide (PL)



K. Krüger (Voith): Pumped storage as a supporting pillar of the energy transition
on an international level



F. Popa (U. Valahia), E.-I. Tica, B. Popa (Politehnica Bucharest): Pumped storage in Romania
as solution for large development of variable renewable energy sources



Lunch break


Session III:     HYDROFORUM Debate "Pumped storage and its dillemmas"

Session is chaired by: Stanisław Lewandowski (EasyServ / TEW).


Opening of the session (S/Lewandowski)


Coffee break


Session IV: R&D, promotional and educational projects

Session is chaired by: Przemysław Szulc (Wydział Mechaniczno-Energetyczny Politechniki Wrocławskiej)


J. Skrzypacz, A. Machalski, P. Szulc, D. Błoński, M. Nemś (WME PWr):
Digital solutions for improving the sustainability, performance
and FLEXibility potential of HYDROpower assets. Project characteristics (PL)              


G. Cavazzini, E. Vagnoni, D.Gezer, E. Pummer, E. Kasiulis, M. Čerpinska, B. Fischer-Aupperle,
E. Malicka, D.Ch. Finger, P. Rudolf, E. Doujak, S. Muntean (Akademia Rumuńska O/Timisoara):
Opportunities offered by PEN@HYDROPOWER COST Action CA21104
for the development of the European hydropower community


M. Gruszczyński (UPW), T. Daszczyński (PW):
Intercollegiate Camp of Student Scientific Clubs "Dychów 2023"


Closing of the first day of Conference


Conference Dinner (Grano Hotel, Gdańsk)


26. October 2023


Opening of the Conference debate and organisatory communications

Session V:       Small hydropower - technology and legislative constraints
Session is chaired by: Radosław Koropis (TRMEW)


M. Lis (IOZE):
On the small hydropower route - summarisation of the HYPOSO study tour (PL, online)


E. Malicka (TRMEW): Small hydropower sector - legislative changes (PL)


A. Olszewski, K. Rafał (IOT), A. Góralczyk (IMP PAN), P. Szulc (WME PWr): A floating hydropower plant with a hydrokinetic turbine - assumptions, design, development prospects (PL)


T. Gajek, A. Jaworski (J. Krasucki, CIM-mes Projekt Sp. z o.o):
The CFD aided design of a hydrokinetic turbine optimum shape and configuration (PL)


Coffee break

Session VI:     Hydraulic energy recovery (Life NEXUS Project Session - Part 1)

Session is chaired by: Prof. em. Janusz Plutecki (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)


K. Oboza, W. Glądys (Aqua SA, Bielsko-Biała):
Hydraulic turbine installation at the 90 years old Wapienica water dam (PL)


M. Piękoś (MPEC Kraków): Hydraulic turbines application in heating networks
 - a small network plant in the Cracow Municipal Heating Company


P. Punys, A. Radzevičius, L. Jurevičius (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas):
Integrating microturbines into sewage systems of lowland areas (online))


J. Steller, Z. Krzemianowski (IMP PAN), M. Hajdarowicz (Remak Energomontaż),
A. Chlapek (T.I.S. Polska), A. Krawiec (KSB Polska), M. Rafacz (SEWIK Zakopane),
G. Wygoda (MPGK Krosno): Recovery of energy lost in water cycles
- the expertise following from the prefeasibillity studies


Coffee break

26. October 2023

Session VII: Hydraulic energy recovery (Life NEXUS Project Session - Part 2)

Session is chaired by: Prof. em. Waldemar Jędral (unconfirmed)


A. Krawiec (KSB Polska): Pump as an energy source (PL)    


M. Janczak, W.Lorenz (Hydrovacuum): THV mini-turbines - selected research aspects (PL)


A. Chlapek (T.I.S. Polska): T.I.S. Group hydraulic equipment and fittings
as applied for the needs of hydropower and hydraulic civil engineering projects


A. Kamiński (PKN Orlen), M. Lewandowski, A. Adamkowski, W. Janicki (IMP PAN),
M. Kaniecki (TEW/TG DNALOP), S. Lewandowski (TEW/EasyServ):
Recovery of hydraulic energy lost in technological processes
- the problems of developing control algorithms


Lunch break

Session VIII: Performance and dynamic properties of hydraulic units

Session is chaired by: Prof. Janusz Skrzypacz (unconfirmed)


M. Kaniecki (T-G DNALOP): Current trends in hydraulic turbine upgrades
oriented on enhancing the hydropower plant effectiveness and flexibility


S. Muntean (AR), I. D. Rus, A.I. Bosioc, I.A. Draghici (UPT):
Experimental and numerical investigations for the rehabilitation of the storage pumping units


P. Ševčík (L.Rinka, OSC): Guarantee measurement of optimally designed SHPP


G. Żywica (IMP PAN): Identification of the reasons
for hydraulic machinery enhanced vibration level  practical examples


J. Bieńkowski, P. Szulc, J. Rak (WME PWr):
The methods to mitigate the cavitating vortex rope phenomenon (PL)


Coffee break

Session IX: Protection and regeneration of  hydraulic unit and auxiliary equipment components

Session is chaired by: Prof. Grzegorz Żywica (IMP PAN)


J. Krasucki (CIM-mes Projekt), Z. Buczko (Warsaw Institute of Technology): Protection of hydraulic civil engineering equipment against biological overgrowth by means of the nCu technology (PL)


K. Górlicka, J. Przydatek (PFTechnology): Hydropower application of self-cleaning filters (PL)


R. Masek (Belse): Polymer composites in repairs, regeneration and rehabilitation
of hydraulic machinery and civil engineering components


J. Steller (IMP PAN): Rayleigh equation and cavitation erosion scaling effects
in hydraulic machinery and equipment (


J. Steller (IMP PAN), V. Safonov (IMP PAN/KIPT):
Cavitation fatigue strength of structural materials and protective coatings (PL)


Closing of the Conference

27 October 2023


Departure to Malczyce Hydropower Plant


Study visit to Malczyce Hydropower Plant / Lubiąż Monastery


Farewell dinner for the study visit participants (Cistersian Inn in Lubiąż)


Arrival to Gdansk



AR               - Romanian Academy Timisoara Branch

IMP PAN     - Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Pol.Ac.Sci.

IOT             - Institute of Technology Optimisation, Warsaw

IOZE           - Institute of Renewable Energy Sources, Kielce

KIPT           - Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology

PGW WP     - Water State Holding „Polish Waters”

PW              - Warsaw University of Technology

PWr             - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

RZGW         - Regional Water Management Authority

TEW         - Polish Haydropower Association

TRMEW    - Polish Association for Small Hydropower Development

UKW         - Casimir Magnus University, Bydgoszcz

UPT          - University „Politehnica Timisoara”

UTS          - Taras Shevchenko University, Kiev

UWW        - Vytatutas MagnusUniversity, Kaunas

UPW         - Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences

WIT          - Warszawski Institute of Technology

WME        - Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering

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